Theme of the choreography Unbreakable
Name of the trainers : Saliamon Vitalii, Saliamon-Mikhieieva Kateryna
Information of the team: Adagio Formation Team Irpin was created in 2018 to participate in theUkrainian Formation Championship. The team consists of members of the sports ballroom dance club „Adagio“ who live in Irpin and Bucha.
Some participants are now defending our country in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In such a difficult time, we do not stop and continue to train. We must be strong and remain UNBREAKABLE.
Team captains and coaches of judges of the national category of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Dance Sports Kateryna Saliamon-Mikhieieva and Vitalii Saliamon.
The formation team became the Champions of Ukraine among the formationteams of 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.