The KÖDMÖN Formation Dance Group was established in 1978, since then it has been one of the most definite cultural pointof the city of Miskolc.
From the very beginning triesto attract those young people who are interested in dancing, and in this way it creates the cradle of ballroom dancing in our city. With the leading of Csaba Simon, KÖDMÖN rose to a place among the most successful Hungarian dance clubs.
The main profile of KÖDMÖN Dance Group is the Standardformationdance, more over it is aimed to provide the professional development of the talented dancers and support both their individual and formation competings.
We achieved Gold medal for 17times on Hungarian Championship of StandardFormation and have represented Hungary in the European and the WorldChampionshipssince 1990.Our best results are:7thplace on the European Championship of Standard Formation and the8thplace on the World Championship of Standard Formation.
For the 2022World Championships, we will enter the parquet with the Standard-mix choreography dreamed up to the melodies of the highly successful “Dreamgirls” musical film based on the story of Diana Ross and “The Supremes”.