7. Hungary – Forma Táncsport Egyesület

Our formation team was formed by young ballroom dancers from art schools.
We competed in the Hungarian championship for the first time in 2013, on behalf of FORMA TSE from Szeged, in the adult standard „B“ league.In2014 and 2015, we had the opportunity to represent Hungary as the second team at the Standard Formation World Championship.
Now, based on the members of the first team, with the addition of new members, we also compete with standard and latin choreography. The ages of our dancers are between 16 and 23 years old, they learn both standard and Latin American dances 4-5 hours a week.
The title of our choreography is „Just Dance“, it was made to the favorite music of the dancers in the spirit of fun and happiness. Our team’s coaches are Mrs Zsuzsanna Nove and Mr Robert Magyari. Our choreographer is Mrs Zsuzsanna Nove.

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