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10. Mongolia – Khatantuul

The „Khatantuul“ team, which is a member of the Mongolian Dance and Sports Association under the Agricultural University, is a team that was established in 1995 and is proud of its 27-year history not only in Mongolia but also in the world.

More than 500 dance sports athletes, 35 dance sports masters, 20 deputy dance masters, and more than 50 teachers, coaches, and band clubs were born from the Khatantuul team, and the future generations of Mongolia’s children and students, through dance sports, will grow into highly developed aesthetic and physical individuals. contributed to the price.

Ungarn egyesuelet

9. Hungary – Forma Táncsport Egyesület

Our formation team was formed by young ballroom dancers from art schools.

We competed in the Hungarian championship for the first time in 2013, on behalf of FORMA TSE from Szeged, in the adult standard „B“ league. In2014 and 2015, we had the opportunity to represent Hungary as the second team at the Standard Formation World Championship. Now, based on the members of the first team, with the addition of new members, we also compete with standard and latin choreography. The ages of our dancers are between 16 and 23 years old, they learn both standard and Latin American dances 4-5 hours a week.

The past period was very stressful for everyone. Our choreography „Without Word“ is basedon this theme, primarily from the perspective of young people.

Our team’s coaches are Mrs Zsuzsanna Nove and Mr Csongor Balogh. Our choreographer is Mrs Zsuzsanna Nove.

Mongolia star

9. Mongolia – Star

Die neu Choreography 2022 heisst „DJ“.
Es beinhaltet den Inhalt, der in der neuen Musikrichtung zum Ausdruck kommt, die Energie, Farbe und innere Welt der Jugend des neuen Jahrhunderts. Eine Vielzahl von Musikströmen sagt uns, dass wir durch die vielen musikalischen Melodien deslateinamerikanischen Tanzes reisen, um das erfrischende Glück zu erleben, das durch menschliche Handlungen, Naturphänomene und Klänge im wirklichen Leben entsteht.
Das Wort „DJ“ hat zwei Bedeutung in unserer Choreography-DJ-Disc Jockey wird eine Person bezeichnet, die auf Tonträgern gespeicherte Musik in einer individuellen Auswahl vor Publikum abspielt, wofür allgemein der Begriff „Schallplatten auflegen“ verwendet wird.
DJ-Dance Journey ist unser Team und unser Leben sind reisende in der Welt des Tanzes.

8. Hungary – Ködmön Társastánc SE

The KÖDMÖN Formation Dance Group was established in 1978, since then it has been one of the most definite cultural pointof the city of Miskolc.
From the very beginning triesto attract those young people who are interested in dancing, and in this way it creates the cradle of ballroom dancing in our city. With the leading of Csaba Simon, KÖDMÖN rose to a place among the most successful Hungarian dance clubs.
The main profile of KÖDMÖN Dance Group is the Standardformationdance, more over it is aimed to provide the professional development of the talented dancers and support both their individual and formation competings.
We achieved Gold medal for 17times on Hungarian Championship of StandardFormation and have  represented Hungary in the European and the WorldChampionshipssince 1990.Our best results are:7thplace on the European Championship of Standard Formation and the8thplace on the World Championship of Standard Formation.
For the 2022World Championships, we will enter the parquet with the Standard-mix choreography dreamed up to the melodies of the highly successful “Dreamgirls” musical film based on the story of Diana Ross and “The Supremes”.

8. Mongolia – Moon Dance

Theme of the choreography “The power of the 4 elements”

Founder/ Coach: Sarankhuu Ochirkhuu (Mongolia)

Main Trainer:                   Oyunbat Oyuntsetseg   (Mongolia)

Manager of the team:                          Munkhbayar Namkhainyambuu (Mongolia)

Concept/Music mix/Choreography: Ton Greten (Netherlands)

Co Trainer: Marc Benjamin Fellbusch (Germany),

Guest Trainer: Ton Greten (Netherlands)                           

Information of the team: Moon Dance athletes came together in 2013 with a strong determination of one day becoming world champions. Moon dance won the National Championship for the 7th time this year. They have been competing in the World Championship Formation Latin since 2014 and got into half finals 3 times and finals 4 times. Beyond becoming the first Mongolian team to be in the finals, Moon Dance team is strongly representing Asia in the World Championships.



Choreography information “The power of the 4 elements”

All cultures across the world have some form of symbolism related to the 4 elements

Earth, Air, Water and Fire . These 4 elements sustain living beings and make life on earth possible. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was the first to theorize about the four elements in 450 BCE.

He invented 4 triangular shapes to symbolically represent the elements. 

The 4 elements are to be a part of the human body. A person’s unique abilities, moods, emotions, and personalities are said to be governed and regulated by the 4 elements present within them.

The key to a wholesome existence is to instigate balance on Earth, and within ourselves.

This is why we have chosen for Music from a Asian and Mongolian culture with the particular throat singing from Mongolian with a mix of English voice over (Quotes) about our world end the 4 elements (from Glenn Fisher London). The choreo starts with a women who is walking up the stairs to symbolic the 4 elements (mother earth – women). The key to a wholesome existence is to instigate balance on Earth, and within ourselves. This is why the 4 boys/4 elements put “The Mother Earth” (Women) in the air (lift)

2 up to 5 team-pictures

Quotes in music (voice over): “The power of the 4 elements”

The power of the 4 elements to manifest anything you desire

Empty your mind, be shapeless formless like water

I will move with the wind

Air is the element of freedom

Air is what we breath

There is only one Earth – There is no Planet B

Water is the blood in our veins

Water is the driving force of all nature

Air moves us

Fire transforms us

Fire has rhythm

The Earth has music for those who listens

Earth heals us – The power of the 4 elements

Tanzsportteam Göttingen A-Team_1

7. Germany – Tanzsportteam des ASC Göttingen 1846

Choreographie: Happy Together
Trainer: Markus Zimmermann, Ariane Schiessler, Peter Hahne, Marc Bieler, Christopher Linne
Mannschaftskapitäne: Sannah Burkhardt, Martin Davong
Happy together !! Gemeinsam sind wir stark!
Das A Team des Tanzsportteam d. ASC Göttingen zeigt zur Weltmeisterschaft 2022 seine Erfolgschoreografie “Happy together”-ein Thema, das gerade in dieser Zeit noch mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen hat!
Die letzten Monate/ Jahre haben uns allen gezeigt wie wichtig das Zusammensein mit anderen ist. Nach so langer Zeit findet endlich wieder eine internationale Meisterschaft statt und wir dürfen als Vertreter Tanzsport Deutschlands auf dem Parkett stehen und uns den Zuschauern präsentieren. Die Freude am Tanzen miteinander zu teilen, füreinander einzustehen und zusammen zu halten-genau das spiegelt das Thema der Choreografie wieder.
Die Musiktitel greifen Happiness in unterschiedlichsten Facetten auf und legen besonderen Fokus auf die Freude, jemanden an seiner Seite zu wissen. Die sehr schnellen und anspruchsvollen Quicksteps, energiegeladenen Tangos, wunderschönruhigen Walzer-und Slowfoxfolgen werden harmonisch zusammengefügt, um diesen Optimismus und die Freude an der Gemeinschaft auszudrücken. In schwierigen Zeiten zusammen zu halten , in sorgenvollen Momenten optimistisch zu bleiben und sich an den schönen Seiten des Lebens zu erfreuen ist unsere Botschaft-Lassen Sie sich von uns ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht zaubern:
Viel Spaß und Freude mit dem Tanzsportteam Göttingen und “Happy together”!

6. Germany – A-Formation Braunschweiger TSC

Choreographietitel: „Dancing on the Ceiling“

Idee: Rüdiger Knaack, Thomas Kitta

Musik: Michi Högl


“Hello, is it me you’re looking for?” Lionel Richie meldet sich eindrucksvoll zurück.

2019 meldet sich Lionel Richie mit einem neuen Live-Album “Hello From Las Vegas” zurück und begeistert die Fans mit einem spektakulären Querschnitt durch seine außergewöhnliche Karriere. Auf seinem neuen Album gibt es eine Auswahl seiner beliebtesten Songs aus seinen Soloalben sowie Hits aus seiner Zeit mit den Commodores, darunter “All Night Long”, “Hello”, “Say You, Say Me”, “Dancing On The Ceiling”, “Truly”, “Three Times A Lady” und “Easy”. Auch das inspirierende Live-Konzert „Symphonica in Rosso“  diente Rüdiger Knaack als Grundlage für die neue Choreographie der A-Formation des Braunschweiger TSC.

Neben einem Oscar, einem Golden Globe, vier Grammy Awards und mehr als 100 Millionen verkauften Soloalben katapultiert sich der Sänger im Jahr 2019 bei den Billboard Top 100 Artists (Billboard Hot 100 sind eine Hitparade des amerikanischen Billboard-Magazins. Sie sind die wichtigsten Singlecharts in den USA) auf Platz 1. Für Trainer Rüdiger Knaack Grund genug, diese Musik-Ikone mit einer Standardchoreographie zu würdigen.

 „Dancing on the ceiling“ – frei übersetzt: „Tanzen auf dem höchsten Niveau oder am Limit tanzen“ – überzeugen Sie sich selbst…


5. Czech Republik – Taneční formace Starlet Brno

Der Kampf um die Macht ist nie nur ein Zusammenprall von Gut gegen Böse. Jeder Akteur in diesem Kampf ist eine komplizierte Persönlichkeit mit seinen Qualitäten, Wünschen und Absichten, die er in diesen Kampf trägt. Diese Idee ist das Hauptmotiv der Game of Thrones-Serie, und diese Idee inspirierte auch das Thema der Choreografie der Starlet Brno Dance Formation.

Die Tanzformation Starlet Brno wurde 2011 gegründet. Unter der Leitung des Choreografen und Trainers Milan Bačiak wurden wir 2015 und 2017 Meister der Tschechischen Republik. Der derzeitige Choreograf und Trainer ist Matěj Janák 

The struggle of power is never just a clash of good against evil. Each actor in this struggle is a complicated personality with his qualities, desires and intentions that he carries into this struggle.This idea is the main motif of the Game of Thrones series, and this idea also inspired the theme of the choreography of the Starlet Brno Dance Formation.The dance formation Starlet Brno was founded in 2011. Under the leadership of choreographer and coach Milan Bačiak, we became Champions of the Czech Republic in 2015 and 2017. The current choreographer and trainer is Matěj Janák


4. Czech Republik – Danza Brno

The DANZA Brno team was established in Brno in the Czech Republic in 1993 and has been competing in standard formations since 2018. So far, the team has participated in only four  national standard formation championships and has won three times. At our premiere at the World Championships in 2019 in Moscow, we managed to make it to the finals and won the 5th place.

Theme of the choreography :                      La La Land

Choreographer:                                            Kateřina Pohlodková

Name of the trainers:                                  Viktor Janč, Jana Jančová, Kateřina Pohlodková

Libalforte Belgium

3. Belgium – Libalforte

It all started in 1992 when a group of friends, all taking dance classes, wanted something more than just dancing around the floor. They had heard that there was such a thing as formation dancing and they liked it. They searched for a teacher and found a motivated dance teacher who was willing to teach them the secrets of formation dancing.

It soon became apparent that both, dancers and teachers, were ambitious and really wanted to go a step further: performing in real Ballroom dance dresses. However, that costs a lot of money! In order to be self-supporting, a dance club had to be established to acquire and manage the necessary funds. That happened 1992 when this new dance club was given the melodious name: LICHTAARTS BALLROOM FORMATION TEAM, abbreviated to Libalforte. Since that moment the club started giving dance lessons to other people, as they still do today.

Started in 1992 as a group of friends who wanted to perform, our club has become what it is today, an active and dynamic club with about 280 members.

The formation team is still a group of friends. All dance couples are also partners in daily life. However, Libalforte has won several times the title of Belgian Champion Formation Standard. Since our first appearance on the World Championship in 2009, this will be our 4th appearance.